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Meet the Cedar Break Breeding Herd

Epic Maedhros, Senior Herd Sire

Hickory x DR-6 Lime

  • Maedhros' outstanding qualities include superior structure, temperament, thick heavy wattles, and a superior teat line.
  • His genetic profile shows him homozygous for superior herd health, higher daily gain, and not affected by RN. He will pass these superior traits to 100% of his piglets.
  • He is heterozygous for the increased tenderness, meat moisture, and more favorable color.
  • He is also heterozygous for fast growth vs efficient feed use, finding a good balance between those two traits.

More about our breeding program, genetics, and our promise to you

Epic Nerdanel, Foundation Sow

Myers Buckeye x Epic Tulip

  • Nerdy's outstanding qualities include superior size and structure, thick heavy wattles, and a superior temperament.
  • Her genetic profile shows her homozygous for superior herd health, higher daily gain, and not affected by RN. She will pass these superior traits to 100% of her piglets.
  • She is heterozygous for the increased tenderness, meat moisture, and more favorable color.
  • She is homozygous for fast growth and will always pass along that trait.
  • She consistently produces larger litters than her peers, and passes on her gentle nature.

More about our breeding program, genetics, and our promise to you

Epic Idril Celebrindal, Foundation Sow

FVF White Mt. Walker x Epic Sunflower

  • Idril has matured into a large, solid, serious sow. She has superior structure which she consistently passes on to her piglets.
  • She produces large litters and can boast of producing the  highest percent of breeding quality piglets per litter.
  • Her genetic profile shows her homozygous for superior herd health, higher daily gain, and not affected by RN. She will pass these superior traits to 100% of her piglets.
  • She is heterozygous for the increased tenderness, meat moisture, and more favorable color.
  • She is also heterozygous for fast growth vs efficient feed use, finding a good balance between those two characteristics.

More about our breeding program, genetics, and our promise to you

HVA Nyx, Foundation Sow

LFF Hades x LFF Venus

  • In our pursuit of varied genetics in this rare breed, Nyx brings needed variability to the overall picture while maintaining the superior traits we are focused on producing, such as superior  meat quality, mature temperament and maternal instincts.
  • Her genetic profile shows her homozygous for superior herd health, higher daily gain, and not affected by RN. Additionally, She is homozygous for superior meat tenderness and moisture. She will pass these superior traits to 100% of her piglets.
  • She is heterozygous for fast growth vs efficient feed use, finding a good balance between those two characteristics.

More about our breeding program, genetics, and our promise to you

T-90, First Generation Cedar Break Sow

T-90 is out of a red wattle cross sow named Thang, by our magnificent purebred mangalitsa boar, J. Tiberius.

  • The Indomitable T-90 has been retained as the very best producer in our cross-bred program. Bred to Maedhros. this pair's hybrid vigor produces superior piglets with great growth and phenomenal temperament. She is intelligent and affectionate, and consistently weans most, if not all, of her piglets.
  • Her genetic profile shows her homozygous for superior herd health, higher daily gain, and not affected by RN. Additionally, She is homozygous for superior meat tenderness and moisture. She will pass these superior traits to 100% of her piglets.
  • She is heterozygous more favorable meat color, and a higher ovulation rate. 
  • She is also heterozygous for fast growth vs efficient feed use, finding a good balance between those two characteristics.

More about our breeding program, genetics, and our promise to you

Chloe and Quinnfolk Dolly (pictured) are first generation recovery sows. That is, they are purebred red wattles, from known pure, but undocumented (non-registered) stock. They meet RWPP's strict registration requirements, which include, not just having red wattle type, but producing red wattle type.

While we are linebreeding the superior cross of Hickory x DR-06 Lime to lengthen teat lines, strengthen overall structure for longevity, and increase consistent quality, we also recognize that this rare breed desperately needs increased genetic variability to stay viable over the long term.  To that end, we are seeking out the highest quality of unregistered purebreds, doing the needed test breedings, and restoring those lost genetics back into the breeding pool.  Chloe and Dolly are our first contributions to those efforts.

More about our breeding program, genetics, and our promise to you

We keep at least one or two breeding quality piglets from each series of litters to evaluate growth rate, temperament, and hardiness to our naturally harsh environment.

These are also used for test breedings, generally doubling up on various combinations of genetics, looking more specifically for what each bloodline contributes to the overall hog. Most of these will eventually be available as 'ready to breed', bred gilts, or young bred sows. The boarlings  may be offered as proven Jr. boars once they have proven they can get the job done. 

Any that fail to meet our strict criteria over time are culled from the breeding pool. The bottom line is that if they don't meet our criteria for breeding, we don't want them to go in anyone else's program either. 

The group pictured includes our little up and coming superstars. These are four gilts who are deemed to be superior to their dams and are slated as replacements as their mom's age out.  They may have a superior genetic profile, lengthened teat line,  superior overall structure, or more likely a combination of those traits. 

While we recognize this is a life-long project, we are committed to building our program to consistently produce only superior hogs, inside and out.

Epic Dís, Foundation Sow (retired)

FVF White Mt. Walker x Epic Thistle

  • Dís' outstanding qualities include superior size and width, thick heavy wattles, and a superior mothering ability.
  • Her genetic profile shows her homozygous for superior herd health, higher daily gain, and not affected by RN. She will pass these superior traits to 100% of her piglets.
  • She is heterozygous increased meat tenderness and moisture.
  • She is homozygous for fast growth and will always pass along that trait.
  • She produces a high percent of breeding quality piglets and has proven to produce superior boarlings with great structure, size and temperament.
  • We have a fantastic young replacement gilt who we expect to add superior structure to her mom's incredible growth rate, mature size, and other superior qualities.

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