Designed for Tolkien fan-fiction authors but widely used in RPGs and by historic, western and fantasy authors.
Please use the ‘find’ function in your browser window to search for the departure/destination combination. If it is not listed individually, it may be found as a leg of a longer journey.
The minimum times are loosely based on a horse traveling 12-15 mph, with rest breaks dropping the average to approximately 10 mph. The times are decreased (average speed increased) for easy routes such as level roads, and increased (average speed decreased) for cross-country travel, multiple river crossing or difficult terrain such as hills or mountainous regions. I’ve also tried to consider that an urgent rider may push hard to ride 100 or more miles in one day, if that was the entire length of the trip. It would not be possible to maintain that pace over several hundred miles and I reduced the average speed (increased travel time) for the longer distances. It may be possible to shave some time off of these minimum times riding a Meara or Elf-horse, depending on the skill and stamina of the rider.
The average times are calculated, loosely, on 20-30 miles per day, (depending on terrain) with a rest day every 4-6 days. Sitting on a walking horse for hours and hours at a time is agonizing. It is much easier to trot and canter 25 or 50 miles than to walk/jog 15. -for the horse as well as the rider (speaking of a fit horse) A horse can walk about 3 mph so that gives you about ten mile legs at the walk between breakfast and lunch and lunch and supper. Notice those are average times, not maximum times.
There are instances in canon of trips much slower than what we have listed. For example, Bilbo and the dwarfs traveled only an average of about 10 miles per day on ponies, where Frodo & Co averaged 17.5 mpd on foot over the same distance from the Shire to Rivendell. Another example would be Boromir's trip to Rivendell. It can be assumed that Boromir did not travel in a direct route once he left Tharbad and perhaps wandered somewhat before then. Rivendell was said to be a hidden place and it is probable that Boromir spent time looking for it as he traveled up the Bruinen.
A point to remember with wagons is that they make about half the mileage in a day that horses and riders can make. Riders can vary their pace from walk, trot to canter, but wagons ... go one speed. Especially on a long journey. Also, among the American pioneers it was common for wagon trains to make a rather long lunch stop of two or three hours, to allow the animals pulling the wagon a chance to step out of their traces and relax, eat, drink, etc. So, for wagons .... 15 miles per day is probably maximum. Less if the road is hilly, rocky or muddy. A layover day every 4-5 days is very good. If the terrain is especially hard, or if the roads get boggy, two days rest would be well. On arduous trails over several weeks' travel, a horse can pull down and lose weight and condition, so husbanding them over a long journey is important. Those layover days allow them to relax, physically and mentally, and really eat their fill and not burn it back off right away. On choosing between routes, wagons would take a longer route in order to stay on a road as opposed to attempting a cross-country route.
Note on Hobbit ponies : I don’t believe the average times would be significantly slower, unless they decided to stop and set camp for each meal. The minimum times would depend more on the type of horse or pony (draft, cob or saddle type) rather than the size. This would also depend somewhat on the distance. – being that a larger/taller (longer-legged) horse could outrun a pony over a distance of 20-30 miles, but over the longer distance, the horse would not be moving above a speed that a good riding pony could match for an extended period.
Timelines : This chart was compiled without distinction between the Ages. Please verify the existence of your departure and destination locations, and the routes themselves, from a separate source.
Crossroads in Ithilien | Crossings of Poros | 185 miles | 2 days | 8 days | road |
Crossroads in Ithilien | N. Bordr Ithilien | 135 miles | 1 day (24 hrs) | 3 days | where the road turns towards the Black Gate |
Edoras | Isengard | 175 miles | 2 days | 8 days | Continuation of Great West Road through Westfold. |
Emyn Arnen | Crossroads in Ithilien | 50 miles | 4.5 hrs | 2 days | north along the Harad Road. |
Minas Tirith | Cair Andros | 65 miles | 6 hrs | 2.5 days | road |
Minas Tirith | Edoras | 350 miles | 4 days | 15 days | through Anorien and Eastfold along the Great West Road |
Minas Tirith | Barad-Dur | 150 miles | 1.5 days | 5 days | road and thru Ephel Duath |
Minas Tirith | Emyn Arnen | 30 miles | 2 hours | 1 day | (well-traveled, probably road) |
Minas Tirith | Henneth Annun | 60 miles | 5 hrs | 2.5 day | via Cair Andros (safer route, and quicker) |
Minas Tirith | Henneth Annun | 60 miles | 7 hrs | 3 days | through Ithilien, over Anduin at Osgilith / heavily wood |
Minas Tirith | Pelargir | 140 miles | 1.5 days | 6 days | direct shot down the South Road. Well travelled merchant route, likely with attendant inns and hostelries |
The Old Forest Road | Bree | 80 miles | 1 day | 5 days | Over the Barrowdowns |
Rivendell | Delta of Greyflood | 400 miles | 4 days | 20 days | To Thrabad following the Bruinen |
Brandy Hall | Hobbiton | 60 miles | 5 hrs | 2 days | |
Brandy Hall | Tuckboruogh | 63 miles | 5.5 hrs | 2 days | Stock Road through Green Hill Country |
Hobbiton | Michel Delving | 65 miles | 5.5 hrs | 2.5 days | By road |
Hobbiton | Tuckborough | 65 miles | 5.5 hrs | 2.5 days | 15 miles overland, 50 miles by finished road |
Tuckborough | Michel Delving | 55 miles | 5 hrs | 2 days | Mostly on Great East Road |
Tuckborough | Tookbank | 8 miles | 45 minutes | ½ day | Over Green Hill country along Stock Road |
Michel Delving | Greenholm | 43 miles | 4 hrs | 2 days | On Great East Road |
Greenholm | Tower Hills | 50 miles | 5 hrs | 2 days | On Great East Road |
Buckland | Bree | 50 miles | 5 hrs | 2-3 days | Overland, inc. forest and downs. |
Forlond | Mithlond / Grey Havens | 225 miles | 3 days | 8 days | The Gray havens are on both sides of where the River Lhun just widens to become the Gulf of Lhun. There does not appear to be a bridge across the River Lhun and you will need to cross for quickest transit; so assume a ferry. |
Mithlond/Grey Havens | Over Tower Hills | 65 miles | 7 hours | 2 days | Either over or around Tower Hills slows pace. |
Hobbiton | Minas Tirith | Wagon / Afteryule season (winter) | |||
Hobbiton | Bree | 100 miles | X | 8 days | East Road / Wagon ~ Afteryule season (winter) |
Bree | Thrabad | 200 miles | X | 16 days | The Greenway / Wagon ~ Afteryule season (winter) |
Tharbad | Gap of Rohan | 325 miles | X | 26 days | Old South Road / Wagon ~ Afteryule season (winter) |
Gap of Rohan | Edoras | 125 miles | X | 11 days | Great East Road / Wagon ~ Afteryule season (winter) |
Edoras | Minas Tirith | 350 miles | X | 28 days | Great West Road / Wagon ~ Afteryule season (winter) |
Mitheithel | Angle | 150 miles | 1.5 days | 5 days | cross-country - following the R.Mitheithel |
Minas Tirith | Lothlorien | ||||
Great West Road | Edoras | 350 miles | 5-6 days | 15 days | good road |
Edoras=>Overland | Entwash | 150 miles | 1.5 days | 5 days | north-east. cross-country w/ r.crossing |
W.Emnet | |||||
Entwash -> Wold | R. Limlight | 100 miles | 1.5 days | 4 days | north/cross-country |
Limlight | R. Celebrant | 75 miles | 1 day | 3 days | Ford R.Limlight, cross-country, ford R.Celebrant |
Celebrant | Galadhon | 10 miles | 45 minutes | 3 hours | cross-country |
Lothlorien | Edoras | 325 miles | 5 days | 14 days | see above notes |
Rivendell | see refs re: the time period & relative safety of the Old Forest Rd vs the Forest Path. It could be assumed that the safety of passage of The Old Forest Road is inversely tied to the rise of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. | ||||
Thranduil - Elven King's Hall | |||||
Thranduil's Caverns | Laketown | 50 miles | 5.5 hrs | 2 days | from the edge of Mirkwood, thru Long Marshes as the Forest River enters Long Lake. |
Celeduin | Old Forest Road | 75 miles | 1 day | 4 days | edge of Mirkwood |
Old Forest Road | thru Mirkwood | 200 miles | 3 days | 7.5 days | spiders and nasties / on avg tt - 30 mpd; no rest days because of danger |
Edge of Mirkwood | River Anduin | 25 miles | 2 hrs | 1 day | cross at Old Ford, terrain likely flat, stay on road |
Old Ford | Misty Mountains | 50 miles | 4.5 hrs | 2 days | typical up-slope land form, still on Old Forest Road |
Turn North | to High Pass | 12 miles | 1 hr | 1/2 day | foothills overland or unfinished road/path |
Start of High Pass | over Misty Mountains | est 125m | 1.5 days | 6 days | mileage estimated for mountain switchbacks, obstacles and attendant difficulties |
alt route - the Path west | to Forest Gate | 200 miles | 3 days | 7.5 days | Forest path maintain by Thranduil’s patrols |
Anduin south | Old Ford | 130 miles | 1 day | 4 days | Banks of Anduin. Floodplain, grasslands, possible marshy |
Pelargir | Dol Amroth | by land / mostly road | |||
route-1 Pelargir | Ethring / road via Linhir | 225 miles | 3 days | 8 days | South Road from Pelargir. W. to Linhir. N. to Ethring |
or | |||||
route-2 Pelagir | Ethring / cross-country | 175 miles | 2.5 days | 9 days | Cross-country, ford R.Serni, R.Gilrain |
Ethring | Edhellond | 130 miles | 1.5 days | 4 days | along the river Ringlo south to Edhellond |
Edhellond | Dol Amroth | 65 miles | 6 hrs | 2.5 | Along the beach, sea/salt-water only |
route-3 Pelargir | linhir | 100 miles | 1 day | 4 days | by road |
Linhir | to Hills of Tarnost | 60 miles | 1 day | 2-3 days | cross-country |
east foothills | over Tarnost Pass | 10 + 15 miles | 1/2 day | 1 day | mountain pass |
west foothills | Edhellond | 60 miles | 1 day | 3 days | |
route-4 (Stealth!) T.Pass | skirt W.foothills to D.A. | 140 miles | 1.5 days | 7 days | directly from the pass to Dol Amroth / not via Edhellond |
Bree | Rivendell | By way of the Great Road, bypass the marshes | |||
Bree | To last bridge | 225 miles | 2 days | 11 days | By road |
Last bridge | Bruinen | 115 miles | 1 day | 6 days | By road |
Bruinen | Imladris | 30 miles | 2 hrs | 1 day | Following river path |
Delta of the Greyflood | Minas Tirith | By way of Rohan, north along the White Mountains | |||
Tharbad | Gap of Rohan | 325 miles | 3 days | 13 days | Old South Road to the fords of Isen |
Fords of Isen | Edoras | 125 miles | 1 day | 5 days | On Great West Road |
Edoras | Minas Tirith | 350 miles | 4 days | 10 days | On Great West Road |
Rivendell | Fornost | Cross country over the Weather Hills | |||
Imladris | Bruinen | 30 miles | 2.5 hrs | 1 day | Forest trails |
Bruinen | Last Bridge | 115 | 1 day | 4 days | Road |
Last bridge overland | Fornost | 260 | 3 days | 10 days | Plains and rolling downs |
Lothlorien | The Shire/Hobbiton | ||||
Caras Galadhon | Mount Foothills | 100 miles | 1 day | 5 days | Following Celebrant |
Redhorn Pass | Over Mountains | 100 miles | 5-10 days | 15 days | Inc. switchbacks (possibly impassable on horseback) |
Foothills | Tharbad | 225 miles | 2.5 days | 15 days | Follow Swenfleet/Sirannon (Decreasingly rough terrain) |
Tharbad | Bree | 200 miles | 2 days | 12 days | The Greenway |
Bree | Hobbiton | 100 miles | 1 day | 4 days | East Road |
1. Minas Tirith | Rivendell | Through the Gap of Rohan | |||
Minas Tirith | Edoras | 350 miles | 4 days | 15 days | through Anorien and Eastfold along the Great West Road |
Edoras | Gap of Rohan | 125 miles | 1.5 days | 5 days | Great West Road |
Gap of Rohan | Tharbad | 325 miles | 3 days | 13 days | Old South Road |
Tharbad | Rivendell | 400 miles | 5 days | 20 days | Follow R.Mithiethiel NNE, ENE fork of Bruinen |
2. Minas Tirith | Rivendell | Rohan/Anduin/HighPass | |||
Minas Tirith | Mering Stream | 200 miles | 2 days | 10 days | Along Great West Road |
Mering Stream | Anduin | 225 miles | 3 days | 12 days | Overland (area of Wold/South Undeep) |
Wold | Field of Celebrant | 75 miles | 1 day | 3 days | Following Anduin |
Field of Celebrant | Lorien | 125 miles | 1.5 days | 5 days | Following Anduin |
Lorien | Gladden Fields | 150 miles | 1.5 days | 6 days | |
Gladden Fields | Old Ford | 125 miles | 1.5 days | 5 days | |
Old Ford | Misty Mountains | 50 miles | 4.5 hrs | 3 days | Typical up-slope landform, still on Old Forest Road |
North | High Pass | 12 miles | 1 hr | ½ day | Across Mountains, foothills overland or unfinished Rd. |
High Pass | Rivendell | 125 miles | 2-3 days | 12 days | Over mountains. Changes in elevation, switchbacks, mountain terrain and all attendant difficulties. |
3. Minas Tirith | Rivendell | All Anduin/High Pass | |||
Minas Tirith | Cair Andros | 50 miles | 6 hrs | 2.5 days | road |
Cari Andros | Rauros | 200 miles | 2.5 days | 13 days | Through the Mouths of the Entwash and Wetwang. |
Rauros | Through Emyn Muil | 100 miles | 2-3 days | 12 days | Through Emyn Muil (maybe impassable for horseback) |
Downs & Brown Lands | Field of Celebrant | 130 miles | 2 days | 12 days | |
Field of Celebrant | Lorien | 125 miles | 1.5 days | 8 days | Following Anduin |
Lorien | Gladden Fields | 150 miles | 1.5 days | 8 days | |
Gladden Fields | Old Ford | 125 miles | 1.5 days | 7 days | |
Old Ford | Misty Mountains | 50 miles | 5 hours | 2 days | Typical up-slope landform, still on Old Forest Road |
North | High Pass | 12 miles | ½ days | 1 day | Across Mountains, foothills overland or unfinished Rd. |
High Pass | Rivendell | 125 miles | 2-3 days | 12 days | Over mountains. Changes in elevation, switchbacks, mountain terrain and all attendant difficulties. |
4. Minas Tirith | Rivendell | West of the Mountains through Dunland | |||
Minas Tirith | Break/W.Mts & Tarnost | 225 miles | 3 days | 15 days | West through Lossarnach to the break between the White Mountains and the Hills of Tarnost. Ford R.Erui, Serni, Gilrain. Terrain = plains, foothills. |
Tarnost | Foothills of W.Mts | 300 miles | 4 days | 15 days | plains, rolling hills. Ford R.Ringlo, Morthond, Lefnui |
Over White Mountains | 10 miles | 3 hours | ½ day | Low mountain pass | |
W.Mts | North to R.Isen | 75 miles | 1 day | 4 days | |
R.Isen east | Dunland to G.Rohan | 100 miles | 1 day | 5 days | Overland |
Gap of Rohan | Tharbad | 325 miles | 3 days | 13 days | Old South Road |
Tharbad | Rivendell | 400 miles | 5 days | 20 days | Follow R.Mithiethiel NNE, ENE fork of Bruinen |
Stealth route: | |||||
Minas Tirith | Rivendell | Overland west through Lossarnach (S. of White Mtns) | |||
Minas Tirith | Hills of Tarnost | 225 miles | 3 days | 15 days | Ford R.Erui, Sirith, Gilrain |
Tarnost | Foothills of W.Mtns | 300 miles | 4 days | 20 days | Rolling plains, intermittant foothills. |
Ford R.Ringlo, Morthond, Lefnui | |||||
Over the W.Mtns | 10 miles | 3 hrs | 1 day | Low mountain pass | |
North of W.Mtns | River Isen | 75 miles | 1 day | 3 days | |
R.Isen –East | Dunland | 100 miles | 1 day | 5 days | Old South Road near Gap of Rohan |
Gap of Rohan | Tharbad | 325 miles | 3 days | 15 days | Old South Road |
Tharbad | Rivendell | 400 miles | 5 days | 20 days | Follow Mithiethiel NNE, fork at Bruinen ENE |
*Lond Daer | Gap of Rohan | 550 miles | 7 days | 35 days | Gwathlo upriver overland to Tharbad |
Thranduil’s Halls | Caras Galadon | ||||
Thranduil's Caverns | Laketown | 50 miles | 5.5 hrs | 2 days | from the edge of Mirkwood, thru Long Marshes as the Forest River enters Long Lake. |
Celeduin | Old Forest Road | 75 miles | 1 day | 4 days | edge of Mirkwood |
Old Forest Road | thru Mirkwood | 200 miles | 3 days | 7.5 days | spiders and nasties / on avg tt - 30 mpd; no rest days because of danger |
Edge of Mirkwood | River Anduin | 25 miles | 2 hrs | 1 day | cross at Old Ford, terrain likely flat, stay on road |
Old Ford | Caras Galadon | 425 | 5 | 23 | Grasslands, gently rolling, floodplains |
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